
One of the worst losing streaks ever

@JA10306 The couple of chess books won't be enough by the way but can start you on the way ok ? @JA10306 Logical Chess Move By Move by I Chernev is book one & should take you about 11 days at 3 games a day & Capablanca's Best Chess Endings in 60 Complete Games also by I Chernev should take you about 20 days at 3 games a day
@ThunderClap Irving Chernev was by far the best chess author. Why? Because he was one of the few chess authors with the innate talent to make what could be a dry topic interesting. I've been reading his books since the 1970s.

Also, there are a few chess Youtubers whom I find have the knack of making the game fun and interesting, because of their ability to explain things well. My favorites are Eric Rosen and John Bartholomew. Some people like "Gotham" ( I forget his real name).
It seems to me that, in 10+0 games, players are sometimes guessing what to do. Guesses can become more reckless due to various emotional factors. In the httpscolon//lichessperiodorg/exSm0nfv game, after 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 Bc4 e6 4 O-O Nf6 5 Nc3 g6 6 d4 cxd4 7 Nxd4 a6 8 Be3 Bg7 9 Qf3 e5 10 Nde2 O-O 11 Rfd1 b6 12 Bd5 Ra7 13 Bb3 Nc6 14 a3 Bg4 15 Qg3 Bxe2 16 Nxe2 Nxe4 17 Qf3, about 8 (of Black's remaining ~419) seconds were used to arrive at the decision to play 17...Nf6. By the way: "... [After 1 e4 c5,] 2 Bc4 [is dubious] ... placing the bishop on c4 so early is not a good idea. Black blunts the diagonal with [the good reply, 2...e6,] and after 3 Nc3 a6 White must be wary of ...b5 or ...d5 (after ...Nf6), both of which would gain time by attacking the bishop. ... A more favorable version of the Bc4 development is 2 Nf3 d6 3 Bc4, since here Black has already committed his pawn to d6. Indeed, this is quite a respectable line for White, and a common sequence is 3...Nf6 4 d3 Nc6 5 c3 g6 6 0-0 Bg7 7 Bb3 0-0. ..." - GM John Emms (2009)
@JA10306 I'm also experiencing rating drops. Reasons:
-> I forget to practice regularly, I haven't yet established a proper training routine
-> Due to the bit of training I do from time to time, I start overthinking positions in blitz and bullet games at the expense of my time
-> I played under non-optimal circumstances
-> I didn't refresh my former opening knowledge, at the same time I'm trying new opening lines

so I'm not whining in the forums about a sudden mysterious losing streak, I don't panic and I guess eventually I will rise again, without tryharding
@CSKA_Moscou said in #30:
> my 22 defeats game streak is waiting to be beaten.

well that was lichess bundesliga when you were a 1700 and played opponents 500 points stronger on average, you only lost 19 points from these 22 defeats
On march19 I was 1638 in blitz. On march 30 I reached a low of 1401 (it shows a little higher in the graph because I played more games that day and climbed a little again). 100 rating points drop pfft.
@Cedur216 said in #35:
> well that was lichess bundesliga when you were a 1700 and played opponents 500 points stronger on average, you only lost 19 points from these 22 defeats

I'm not ashamed of it, on the contrary, it's moments like this that have made me a better person.

it made me humble.
@Knight-School said in #25:
> Winning is important for confidence, losing is important for learning.
> The last game I lost today I blundered the exchange in a sicilian because I was too preoccupied with preserving my dark squared bishop and wasn't paying enough attention to the immediate tactics.
> The game I won after that was a basically well played game where my opponent blundered their knight.
> I know which one will help me more in the future and for my opponents it will be the reverse.
I kindly request your permission to use this example in my next blog post.

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