
Search "user:TapaniS"

134 forum posts
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Lichess Feedback - No limit for team messages!#11

I think it would be good to have more messages if there are many leaders in a team. If some another leader sends a message then you can't follow your plan of a daily post any more.

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General Chess Discussion - I have been stuck at 1400 in USCF rating for a few months, what should I do so I can improve?#7

Watch Hikaru's youtube videos and you'll jump up with your rating!

Flair - A flair from an own picture#2

Why not?

General Chess Discussion - How to push 2000+ rapid?#12

You can watch Hikaru's youtube videos. They are high quality moves and he explains all ideas when he plays.

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Lichess Feedback - Arena Tournament Player Results#1

There are only 50 last games shown in player results. Can we have all games there? Would be nice to see also rating points earned per each game and total rating points earned per player.

General Chess Discussion - How to push 2000+ rapid?#7

Do some tactic training and you'll jump upto 2000.

Flair - A flair from an own picture#1

Would be great if there were an option to upload a picture and use it as a flair.
