
Search "user:sayannag23"

9 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Questionable Time Clock Behavior#6

@tocador said in #1: > I am so frustrated by watching my opponent's time clock click down to zero, and then suddenly, they move and seem to be awarded extra time. This happens over and over again. Fre…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Lagging/Server latency high#6

@tocador didnt got what do you want to say

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Lagging/Server latency high#4

@CoffehCat said in #3: > #1 -- A pre-move is only a pre-move if it reaches the lichess server in time, as frustrating as that can be. > #2 -- The last move that was registered in the game you mentione…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Lagging/Server latency high#2

Also how this can happen ? In analysis of this game : , my last move got registered still I lost in time without any opponents response.

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Lagging/Server latency high#1

Lost all ultrabullet , hyperbullet games. I premoved 1st couple of moves in ultrabullet still timer went down from 15 secs to 8 secs. And this game had me . Just see the last position : https://liches…

Lichess Feedback - Study scrolling bug#5

Another bug : generally you can scroll downwards in lichess but after you create any challenge screen frozes in whatever state it is until youu refresh

Lichess Feedback - Site down?#30

yeah game stopped for me , but it was opponents turn

Lichess Feedback - Lichess mobile app#1

The lichess mobile app doesnt have the option to view broadcasted tournaments. It also donot showcases swiss tournaments.

Off-Topic Discussion - Why is it called Mittens#5

magnus + kittens = mittens
